The engravings


Le Corbusier - Nature morte
Nature Morte, 1948; 100 Ex., hand-signed
Naissance du Minotaure I, 1964; 75 Ex., hand-signed
Le Corbusier - Main et silex
Main et silex, 1948; 100 Ex., hand-signed







After his first color graphics in 1937/38, Le Corbusier did
not resume any graphic work, due to the Second World
War, until 1946 in New York, where he prepared a project
for the main building of the newly founded UN. Here he
met Stanley William Hayter, the founder of Atelier 17,
the printmaking workshop specializing in engraving that
had moved from Paris to New York. Through his contact
with Hayter, LC started to work in metal again, for the
first time since his school-timein La Chaux-de-Fonds.
Up to 1948 he produced, during his numerous visits to New York, five engravings, each labeled on the copper plate as Opus 1 to Opus 5 respectively. Hayter printed a small edition of Opus 1, «New York», twenty of which LC signed and numbered. In Paris, up to 1953, Paul Haasen printed editions of the four further plates in the series,
Le Corbusier signed 100 exemplars of each. Starting in 1963, Heidi Weber brought out some further, this time larger, works, mostly in editions of 75 exemplars.   back 


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