LCs Tapestrys


«Bonjour Calder»


Dimension: 220 x 298 cm
Draft: 1958 (see the picture)
Exemplar: no. 3, woven 1987
Woven by:
Raymond Picaud, Aubusson
Provenance: private collection
sold 2013

«Bonjour Calder», the last tapestry by Le Corbusier that was carried out, is both a masterpiece and a legacy: woven after his death in 1965, this wall hanging is an exemplary testimony to the revolutionary modern approach that he brought to the art of tapestry from 1948

onwards, an approach which he continuously refined and finally manifested in «Bonjour Calder».

Le Corbusiers greatest contribution without a doubt con-
sisted of breaking with the tradition «de faire de la tapis-
serie une sorte de tableau encadré de guirlandes». In-
stead of attempting to imitate paintings, he recognized
the possibilities which until then had not been taken
advantage of and focused on elements which within the
dimensions of a tapestry have a markedly greater effect:
the power of line and the impact of the flat plane. For
more information, please do not hesitate to inquire.

In our exhibition from 14 March 2015 we are showing an other tapestry by Le Corbusier: «Les dés sont jetés», woven at the beginning of the 60s. back

For our current range of works of Le Corbusier, see:

Les dés sont jetés